Individual Spiritual Direction
We have several certified Directors who have been walking with people for years as they work to discern new opportunities, follow their calling to wholeness, grow closer to God, and become who they were meant to be. Sometimes direction lasts for a season while a discernment process is going on, and sometimes it lasts for years. Individual direction costs between $30 and $100 per session and most direction occurs monthly. We are willing to work with you financially if you are experiencing financial hardship but think you could benefit from Spiritual Direction. See a listing of our Directors or set up an appointment.
Group Spiritual Direction
Just as individuals can benefit from meeting with a spiritual director, so too can groups grow and strengthen with a trained facilitator who can provide group Spiritual Direction. Group Direction fees vary based on the number of people participating and how often they meet. Contact us for more information.
We provide trained directors to lead retreats, workshops, and individual direction during spiritual retreats led by others. We also have facilities available for large scale gatherings. Contact us to discuss options available.
The Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Several of our directors have received training and formation in the Spiritual Exercises. There is a 19th Annotation group that meets weekly September through May. Others choose to meet weekly with a Director to work through the Exercises individually. Contact us for more details.