Coming Fall 0f 2024!
Transformation Intensive An Adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola for Parishes and Groups “Focused Formation in Faith and Discernment” The Transformation Intensive is a rigorous eight-month time-tested course of spiritual formation inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola. It is a school of prayer, healing, and spiritual renewal, and provides a context for decision making and discernment. Participants to set aside an hour a day for prayer and faithful attendance of weekly meetings for instruction and small group spiritual direction. Participants are given a weekly curriculum that includes an introduction, required scripture assignments, and supplemental materials.
What are the Spiritual Exercises? The Spiritual Exercises were created by a former Spanish soldier, Ignatius of Loyola, in the sixteenth century and have been in continual use since then. The Exercises grew out of Ignatius’ personal experience as a man seeking to grow to know God and to discern God’s will. He kept a journal as he gained spiritual insight and deepened his spiritual experience. He added to these notes as he directed other people and discovered what “worked.” Eventually Ignatius gathered these prayers, meditations, reflections, and directions into a carefully designed framework which he called “spiritual exercises.” The TI curriculum holds as closely as possible to Ignatius’ original work.
It is profoundly Christocentric. The goal of the Exercises is to encounter the Person of Christ by awakening the soul’s capacity to relate to Him experientially through Scripture and spiritual practices.
It is intrinsically missional. Two questions are asked throughout: What is God’s mission of love in the world? And, how am I being called to participate in his mission? It is designed to catapult Christians in all walks of life into more effective, intentional, and creative participation in God’s mission to redeem the world.
It leads to a transformational relationship with Scripture. Daily reading assignments require careful study and contemplation of Scripture using the time-honored methods of lectio divina and contemplative (imaginative) prayer. By the light of Holy Spirit, Scripture is more than just God- inspired information, it is the Living Word of God that has the power to challenge and transform lives.
It is not just for the spiritually elite! The content is simple but profound, so that beginners in the life of faith and those who have been Christians for decades can all experience a deepening of relationship with God.
Interested in participating? Fill out the application and email it to